(1995) lives and works in Milan.

2024Solo booth Miart, Triangolo, Emergent section curated by Attilia Fattori
Franchini, Milan, IT
2024 Superb visibility all round, duoshow with Alice Peach, La Placette, Lausanne, CH
2023 Getting attached to (...) is difficult,curated by Iacopo Spini,Triangolo,
Cremona, IT
2023  Your ease doesn’t simplify things / your ease is not making it easier,
solo show curated by Camille Besson and & Haydeé Marin-Lopez, Café des Glaces, Tonnerre, FR
2022 Il più bell’errore del mondo, duo show with Valentina Pini
curated by Gabriel Stoekli and Giacomo Galletti, Sonnestube, Lugano, CH
2021 Adaptation I-Weary Friends, duoshow with Leonardo Pellicanò
curated by Stefania Carlotti and Margaux Dewarra 13, Renens, (Lausanne),CH
2020 Domenica, duoshow show with Giovanna Belossi
proposed by Paul Paillet Lokal-int, Biel/Bienne, CH

2022 Prison Break
curated by Hruzegegi, Winterthur, CH
2022 The September Issues
curated by Mohamed Almusibli, Peres Project, Milan, IT
2022 Break-In, Brescia
curated by Arnold Braho, The Adress gallery, Brescia, IT
2021 Supporters
curated by Matteo De Nando, Palmanova 187, Milano IT
2021 Casette per Uccelli
curated by Margaux Dewarrat, Basecamp, Locarno CH
2021 Lemaniana, Reflets d’autres scenes
curated by Andrea Bellini, Mohamed Almusibli, Jill Gasparina and Stéphanie Moisdon, Centre d’Art Contemporaine Geneve, CH
2020 Luna Crescente
curated by Edoardo Manzoni and Giada Olivotto, Residenza la Fornace, Spino d’Adda, IT
2019 Agli Scultori Giovani
curated by Stefano Boccalini, Villa Necchi Campiglio, Milan, IT
2019 Usefulless
curated by Mélanie Matranga and Clément Délepine, Galerie Crèvecoeur, Paris, FR
2018 Bando di Treviglio
curated by Sara Fontana, Treviglio (Bergamo), IT
2018 Four
Fondazione Pini, Milan, IT
2017 Zoo
curated by Yuri Ancarani, Terraforma Festival Villa Arconati, Milan, IT
2017 Cheating Entropy
supervised by Ettore Favini, Fondazione Paolina Brugnatelli (ex pellicceria), Milan, IT

2024 Acquisition by FondazioneFiera, Miart
2023 Piccole Baie, Portofino IT
2023 UNPAE, Roccacaramanico IT
2021 Bourse de Recherche de dèveloppement artistique, Canton Vaud

2024  The destiny of a wonderer, edited by Sgomento (upcoming)
2023 Night Night Bedtime stories by Andrea Bocca, editet by Fermacampione
2023 Primavera with Alice Peach, edited by UNPAE
2023  Your ease doesn’t simplify things / your ease is not making it easier
by Robin Sara Stauder, C41
2021 Lemaniana exibithion catalogue, edited by Motto Books
2020 I Have Like a Real Real Denim Problem, by Hanna Rochereau
2020 12-12, by Paola Bombelli

+39 331 276 30 37

+39 331 276 30 37